Special Session

Application of AI - Artificial Intelligence in Software Technology and Engineering. An Ethical Approach

Short Description of the Proposed Topic

 Starting a new decade, January 1, 2020, based on the long-awaited threshold of 2020, which embodies a clear vision and a future vision, we are now firmly rooted in the process of converging technology, humans, and nature in a way never possible in human evolution. This process is necessary and is part of the evolutionary environment that will allow humans to manage planetary resources and human impact more efficiently and harmoniously.
Using big data and AI to manage and create many ethical questions, but efforts to resolve these concerns can be equally controversial.
This Special Session seeks to promote informed debate and discussion on the ethical, regulatory, and policy implications arising from the development of AI – Artificial Intelligence. In particular, the use of AI technology in Software Engineering and Technology, in its many fields such as Industry, Cities, Transport, Health, Software, and Man vs. Machine, among other relevant fields.
It will focus on how AI techniques, tools, and technologies are developing, including consideration of where these developments may lead in the future.
The issue will provide opportunities for academics, scientists, practitioners, policymakers, and the public to consider how AI may affect our lives in the future and what implications, benefits, and risks may arise.

Organizers of the Special Session

Name: Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira                   Affiliation: IEEE/UNICAMP/CTI Renato Archer.
Email: oliveiragomesgabriel@ieee.org
Phone: +55 (19) 9.8288-6496
Research Areas: AI, Big Data, IIS, IoT, ITS, Smart City. Smart Mobility, Sensor and Systems.

Name: Angela Maria Alves                               Affiliation: CTI Renato Archer
Email: amalves@cti.gov.br
Phone: +55 19 99236-9030
Research Areas: AI, Big Data, Smart Cities, Ethics.


 Submission Link: https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/icste2024
Choose Track Special Session to submit
